
Sunday, July 02, 2006


Fotre's stats


The timid Forters-renownd jumpers- live in the deep surface cracks of this liquid and planet free planet.

Everywhere on Forte it is ragged. There is baerly any life except the natives. The Forters live in underground caves that were made from cracks in the ground. They stay at the very back of the cave doing whatever they need to do, but when any thing threatens them they conceal themselves as much as they can until the threat leaves. If it doesn't leave they launch themselves using their incredeble jumping ablity and quickly smash the threat at 110-130 MPH, and then quickly head back to their holes. The Forters are very timid and frighten easily, yet they are extrmely stealthy and good at getting around fast.

Soil, iron, wind, flame

Earth lovers: shared with Cavious and Anasaze

Stepped on

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